"Serving God through Serving the Community"
--Reverend Amanda Hemenetz, pastor
Sunday morning worship (10:30 am) is currently being held as a hybrid service (both in-person in our Fellowship Hall and online via Zoom). Masks are optional for in-person attendance. All are welcome!
**Please note that our sanctuary is currently closed due to structural concerns. Worship is being held in Fellowship Hall.**
Scroll down for Zoom log-in info and this Sunday's bulletin (updated every week by Saturday morning).
Invitation to New City UMC Zoom Worship
Weekly at 10:30am on Sundays:
Rev. Dr. Amanda Hemenetz is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Worship Bulletin for SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 2025 10:30am
Visitors are welcome, but MUST contact Pastor Amanda for Zoom info and password at least a half hour before worship begins at (973) 978-5162 (call or text)
Please be advised, all online worship services are recorded.
If this is your first time joining a Zoom meeting, click here.
Worship/Sermon Topics
From now through Easter, we'll be celebrating a sermon series in worship entitled "Tell Me the Stories." We'll consider many of the stories about Jesus found in scripture and see what they can teach us today.
Wednesday, March 5: Ash Wednesday. Soup Supper at 6:00pm. Worship with imposition of ashes at 7:00pm. Location: Pearl River UMC (130 Franklin Ave, Pearl River).
March 9: First Sunday in Lent; Celebration of Women's History Month with our Church & Society Committee; Bingo and Pizza after worship.
March 16: Second Sunday in Lent; "Tell Me the Stories . . ." - Week 5
March 23: Third Sunday in Lent; "Tell Me the Stories . . . " - Week 6
March 30: Fourth Sunday in Lent; "Tell Me the Stories . . . " - Week 7
We have a wonderful Children's Sermon toward the beginning of every church service
Kids of all ages are welcome!
We'll explore the basics of Christian political action and advocacy, considering what to keep in mind as we do the work and where to start when responding to political mandates we don't agree with.
6 Thursdays in Lent -- March 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10 7pm on Zoom
No outside reading required for this class. Just come for learning and conversation.
RSVP to Pastor Amanda by Monday, March 3.
Youth Group Announcement
Our next Regional Youth Group gathering will be Sunday, March 16, 6:00pm - 8:00pm, at the ThiellsGarnerville UMC (102 Rosman Road, Thiells).
We had an AWESOME time at our February gathering with games, worship, and conversation. The amount of youth at this event DOUBLED from the month before. God is good and this ministry is growing! Join us! We'll have dinner, games, worship, and fellowship. Youth Group is for those in 6th grade - high school.
Angel’s Attic Thrift Shop
Saturday’s 9:00-2:00
Thursday’s 10:00-12:00 noon
Donations are accepted on Saturdays
Sorting is Mondays 9:00 am-12:00 pm